




I'd like to explore some topics relevant to the Covid-19 pandemic that's happening today,in a question-and-answer format,for quick release.




Q:What is the cause of the Covid-19 virus?




Archangel Michael:It is important to realize,whether it is natural occurring(which is a curious remark,is it not?)or shall we say,laboratory created,that any virus that in fact becomes alive(because there are many that are simply dormant)is related to the infection or the poison of emotions and belief systems.That is what infects people and that is what kills people.(1)


大天使麥克: 重要的是要意識到,這是否是自然發生的(這是一個奇怪的討論,不是嗎?)或者我們應該說,實驗室創造的,任何事實上變活的病毒(因為有許多病毒只是休眠的)都與感染或情感和信仰系統的毒害有關。這就是感染人的原因,也是殺死人的原因。 KEN:他們會出現都是因為人為低頻振動能量和自私利益為了服務自已的人所導引創造出來的!



The virus is not a punishment,nor was it chosen as being necessary for your evolution.The disease you are witnessing today represents the exposure and clearing of false,old,hidden,dense,and no longer valid energy(beliefs)based in duality and separation,energies that have been fed and kept alive for hundreds of thousands of years by the unenlightened consciousness of the majority.


病毒不是一種懲罰,也不是為了你們的進化而選擇的必需品。你們今天正在目睹的疾病代表著虛假的、陳舊的、隱藏的、密集的和不再有效的基於二元性和分離的能量( 信仰) 的暴露和清除,這些能量被大多數無知的意識灌輸和保存了數十萬年。 KEN:大家無意識的做出各種沒有愛的行為,導致累積成地球人類集體意識,所以化身成肺炎病毒(也必須要由低頻的人去創造) 來消融人類自已創造的數十萬年的低頻負面能量!


This virus is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed.This virus and its impact upon the world are allowing humanity to recognize the presence of fear,of negative and misqualified energies,to recognize suffering and to begin to create positive shifts within their being.




KEN:簡單講,就是這個病毒是被製造出來要毀滅人口用的,但是被設計是要消滅沒辦法再有"回收效果",就是無法為社會做出"貢獻",也就是沒有辦法有"稅收",因為陰謀集團控制的全球政府,是以美國和英國歐洲為主的西方世界,它們的養老金,和退休福利金是非常優渥的,但是因為債務已經無法維持,剛好趁這個機會製造病毒出來,然後疫苗早就已經製造好,在等待把金融搞到出問題,然後瘋狂印鈔給它們底下的金融大企業,讓他們握有現金,有在做投資的就知道,股神巴菲特從他在投資市場上已來,是有史以來最多的手握現金,到時可以趁出現通縮,然後再利用美元高漲購買資產和企業,這就是金融市場背後黑暗的故事! 講到肺炎就是消滅無法利用的老化人口,然後再大賺疫苗錢,一隻不到台幣幾塊的,將會因為瘟疫危機而暴漲到幾萬塊,並利用肺炎疫苗裡面的微晶片,當你要注射時,你就被全球陰謀集團家族給利用晶片疫苗給控制,到時它們發出振動腦電波,你就無法在一個更高頻率的層次,或是會盲目的做他們給予你的指令,請別不相信KEN說的這一些,KEN知道的這一些,都是我有讀過,冥想被指引知道的幕後消息,第一次看到的歡迎去觀看"陰謀真相"系列文章,KEN都還沒有完全寫完咧.....




So your balance and stability will assist your planet in this transition.You are in the midst of the changes.There is always discord and confusion when things begin to change.Human consciousness wants things to go back the way they were,to go back to "normal,"even if that"normal"was out of balance,unfair,harmful to others and to nature.


所以你們的平衡和穩定將在這個轉變中幫助你們的星球。你正處於變化之中。當事情開始改變時,總會有不和諧和混亂。人類的意識希望事情回到原來的樣子,回到 " 正常 " ,即使那個 " 正常 " 失去了平衡,不公平,對他人和自然有害。


You and many others are observing,as well as dismantling,layers and layers of dense beliefs and old energy that is stored in your very cells.We celebrate the work that you are doing.If you could see the energy of light that your collective consciousness is expressing you would be stunned and amazed.(3)


你和許多其他人正在觀察,以及拆除,一層又一層的密集信仰和舊能量,它們儲存在你們的每一個細胞中。我們讚揚你們所做的工作。如果你們能看到你們的集體意識所表達的光的能量,你們將會感到震驚和驚訝。 KEN:因為光之工作者和引路人每天努力冥想或是在生活裡做出愛的行為及想法,大量的一起將地球的累積萬年的負面低頻人類意識,逐漸花了幾十年清理到現在,已經變的比較光亮,然後才可以引導趕快曝光更多真相出來,否則這樣的低頻能量沒有人用愛去清理,人類不可能接觸到靈性的真理,和有機會進入黃金時代!


Q:What are the makers of the various viruses up to?




Matthew:Once again these dark ones are crying"Pandemic!"They failed to create that situation with SARS,avian flu and the first go-round of swine flu,and even their secondary purpose,to cause worldwide panic,did not materialize.


馬修:這些黑暗勢力又一次哭喊著 那是自然的" 流行病 !" 說他們沒有製造出 SARS 、禽流感和第一輪豬流感的局面,甚至他們想要製造全球恐慌的次要目的,也沒有實現。 KEN:因為有正義的聯盟和光之工作者在負責保護地球! 才沒有造成大範圍的擴張和死亡恐慌!


Matthew:This situation is like SARS,the much publicized virus last year,but with a new twist insofar as the talk of imposing martial law in the United States if patients there are diagnosed with the disease.Just as was SARS,this strain of flu came out of a laboratory by dark intent,and like SARS,this virus also has been neutralized by extraterrestrial technology.


馬修: 這種情況就像去年被廣泛宣傳的 SARS 病毒一樣,但是有一個新的轉折,那就是如果美國的病人被診斷出患有這種疾病,就要在美國實施戒嚴令。就像非典型肺炎一樣,這種流感病毒也是出於黑暗的目的從實驗室中產生的,就像非典型肺炎一樣,這種病毒也被外星技術中和了。KEN:把這種原本會傳染全人類致死率達百分80的肺炎病毒,轉換成只會去尋找低頻率和靈魂比較沒有覺醒,都在服務自我較自私的振動人類,請注意,一個人的外表和行為你是無法從平常的表現看的出來,那是心的振動才能被發現,很多人都是表裡不一的! KEN其他文章有寫過!


If you recall,worldwide media attention to SARS as a potential pandemic flared suddenly,before the outbreak of the disease in humans and the extensive protective measures in Asian countries and the flurry to make vaccine available.Then all of that just as quickly fizzled when cases did not materialize in large numbers.So it is with bird flu with scary reports such as,"Scientists fear the virus can mutate to affect humans and kill millions worldwide."


如果你還記得,在 SARS 在人類中爆發之前,在亞洲國家廣泛採取保護措施之前,全世界的媒體都把 SARS 視為一種突然爆發的潛在流行病。然後,當案件沒有大量出現時,所有這些都很快失敗了。禽流感也是如此,有可怕的報導稱, " 科學家擔心這種病毒會發生變異,影響人類,在全世界殺死數百萬人。 "


Creating a world in panic is one aims of the Illuminati,who are behind this new flu virus's initiation.Due to the superior technology of ET forces,those with a dark agenda have failed in their major terrorist attempts since"9/11,"so they are trying this biological fear tactic again.


創造一個恐慌的世界是光照派(光明會) 的目標之一,他們是這種新型流感病毒開始的幕後推手。由於外星人部隊的先進技術,自 "9/11" 事件以來,那些有黑暗計劃的恐怖分子的主要企圖都失敗了,所以他們再次嘗試這種生物恐懼策略。KEN:全世界的戰爭和疾病,和地緣紛爭,國家對立等等,都是故意被陰謀集團底下光明會操控的政府所製造出來的! 每一件恐怖攻擊,恐佈分子等等,都是人為製造的! 宗教伊斯蘭教 使用汽油炸彈等等,也是被教唆去對立其他宗教的,陰謀集團最愛做的就是創造對立和分離,然後坐收漁翁之利...這種黑暗力量控制了人類幾萬年阿!


Yes,they do know that very likely for the same reason that SARS did not develop as they desired,neither will bird flu;however,by the additional threat of martial law with mandatory quarantines and inoculations,they are counting on sufficient fear-filled thought forms to allow the advertised disease symptoms to develop.


是的,他們確實知道,很可能出於同樣的原因,非典沒有如他們所希望的那樣發展,禽流感也不會發展; 然而,由於戒嚴令帶來的額外威脅,強制隔離和接種,他們指望充滿恐懼的思想形式足以讓所宣稱的疾病症狀發展。





Without light except the spark that is their souls'life force,the dark ones regard others as expendable,and their aim is to achieve a double victory:a frightened populace demanding vaccinations,which have harmful ingredients,and justification for a police state starting in the US and extending globally.You have the power to deal them a double defeat by NOT feeling any fear whatsoever!




KEN:有看過KEN其他文章的人都知道,我們人類歷史上的所有疾病病毒,都不是天然的,都是人為製造出來,為的是集權主義的目標,和你無法相信龐大的醫療利益目的(錢) 而被創造出來在世界上的,癌症,愛滋病,SARS,MARS,伊波拉,肺炎病毒,NIH1流感等等(還有很多),都是為了製造出來,製造恐慌和疾病,然後趁機賺取各種疫苗和醫療金錢,這其背後的龐大利益集團的互相勾結,是到時人類都會看到相關的資訊被曝光出來,簡單講,人類根本不會生病和衰老,都是被那群陰謀集團所設計的 [人類文明制約] ,才創造出現在我們人類在體驗為了未來金錢努力悲慘被奴役人生!



Matthew Ward:Yes,indeed they are Illuminati,and they still wield strong influence in clinical medicine,medical research and drug approval bodies–in short,they have been creating diseases by one means or another and manipulating health care systems and medications around your world .(1)


馬修·沃德: 是的,他們確實是光照派(光明會),他們在臨床醫學、醫學研究和藥物審批機構中仍然有著強大的影響力——簡而言之,他們通過這樣或那樣的方式製造疾病,操縱你們世界的醫療保健系統和藥物治療。 KEN:我有在其他文章提過,他們創造疾病的原因就只是要賺錢,讓你固定吃藥,然後幾百塊的藥,利用你的恐懼和害怕死亡,讓你花生幾百萬.......而癌症只要使用大麻油和冥想及食療就可以完全治癒,但它們不讓媒體或是其他的醫生倡導這樣的療程,只要有人發現,他的醫院診所或是未來生崖就會被破壞或是停業。


Q:How do they operate?




SaLuSa:Fear is the weapon of the dark Ones,and it has crept into all aspects of your life.The threat of Swine Flu is grossly exaggerated,and the vaccine can be every bit as dangerous as the flu itself.We see a major revolt against it,and the imposition of its mandatory use will engender a great backlash from the public.Like a number of earlier flus,it is man made,and intended to keep you in a state of panic.


SaLuSa : 恐懼是黑暗勢力的武器,它已經潛入你生活的方方面面。豬流感的威脅被嚴重誇大了,疫苗的危險程度可以和流感本身一樣。我們看到了對它的強烈反抗,強制使用它會在公眾中引起強烈的反彈。就像許多早期的流感一樣,它是人造的,目的是讓你處於恐慌狀態。


That you have woken up to how you are being used and abused has stalled the progress of the Illuminati plan to hold you all in their grasp.We also have some input into such matters,and we are allowed to limit the extent to which such plans are successful.Total interference is not allowed,as a karmic situations exist that must be followed through.(2)







Q:How are we to meet the threat posed by pandemics?




Matthew Ward:We are aware that this new flu is the peak concern of many who have heard the media's dire warnings and who do not know that neither the disease nor martial law can come to fruition if they choose otherwise.Enough of you DO understand the universal law of manifestation and know that focusing on health in mind,body and spirit for all of Earth's peoples will create this instead of the goals of the dark minds.


馬修·沃德: 我們意識到,這場新流感是他們最關心的問題。許多人聽到了媒體可怕的警告,卻不知道如果他們選擇不這樣做,疾病和戒嚴令都將無法實現。你們當中有足夠多的人確實理解了顯化的宇宙法則,並知道為地球上所有人的心靈、身體和精神聚焦於健康,將創造出這一切,而不是黑暗心靈的目標。


A comparative handful of people knew that thought forms about SARS not being a real threat would prevent its materializing as such,and that thought forms to diminish hurricane Rita's force would reduce that storm's velocity,yet both of those results came from the collective energy put out with those intentions.The same is true in this case of bird flu,and we are immensely heartened by the numbers of you who feel no fear at all about it.(3)



相對少數的人知道,認為” 非典不是真正的威脅” 的這種思想形態,會阻止它的具體化,減少麗塔颶風力量的思想形態,將降低風暴的速度,然而,這兩個結果都來自那些意圖所產生的集體能量。在禽流感問題上也是如此,我們為你們當中許多人對此毫不畏懼而感到非常振奮!



KEN:如果光明會和陰謀集團的故事線是三維的主章節,那回到五維的故事線主章節,肺炎被三維的人類製造出來,但是被地球母親五維的能量,和正義外星聯盟的人一起用光的改變成不同的影響,變成只有影響到低振動頻率的人類! 因為當初肺炎病毒被設計出來,是要毀滅殺死全球百分之90的人口,但是被正義光的改變後的肺炎,變成反噬回去找尋不愛地球,自私並參預利益行為只服務自已,心中完全疑忘愛的人類,然後分批慢慢的淘汰,這就是地母經,劉伯溫,各種預言裡面提的災難,但也是人為故意製造的,但也是被愛所保護的,但畢竟我也提過,地球人類是一個集體意識,每個人不能夠覺得自已過好自已的日子,其他人的死活不管我的事,所以才會有在怎麼有善良的外星人,在怎麼樣有愛的地球母親保護,這一些集體能量意識所導致的負面低頻能量,不管如何,當水煮了一陣子,最終到達一個沸騰點,水就會煮開來,而那壺水裡的的一切生命和微生物,也會一起被煮開,




這就是這次接下來要發生的事,人類集體意識能量的反撲,加上人類自私漠不關心的行為,必須要一起體驗全部人類的因果業力法則,誰也沒辦法躲過,如果沒有愛和善良的正面外星種族保護,人類早在2012年陰謀集團策畫的核戰,就已經地球滅亡了,延到近期,那群沒有愛自私的陰謀集團,還是又研發出恐怖的生化戰,我們也還是被保護者,才會體驗接下來必須要體驗的清理周期,只是這次! 是每個人的振動決定他要體驗甚麼,畢竟造物主已經充滿了愛,派了很多很多高維度超高振動能量的天使天神轉世來到地球,就是減輕這場災難中的嚴重性,很多愛都在後面做者我們不知道的無條件付出,KEN要說這場故事,也沒辦法講完,因為這裡面的振動真的真的分的太細太細了,每個振動都有不同的發展和情節要學習,這就是宇宙造物主源初的智慧!


Q:Some are still so not ready to wake up to what's going on.




Federation of Light:Yet,with what is to come…they will have the opportunity to do so…And that is when,for all of you who have felt so frustrated and out of sorts,not feeling you are doing enough…will find it a time to be'All systems go!'


光之聯邦: 然而,隨著即將到來的事情……他們將有機會這樣做……也就是說,對你們所有感到如此沮喪和不安的人來說,感覺自己做得不夠……將會發現'所有的系統都消失了' (系統就是人類奴役舊制度裡面的架構,有很多,最大的是金融體系 政治體系 宗教和教育及醫療軍事等等)


So,perhaps may we suggest to use this'quiet'time'…this'calm before the storm'…to prepare your Beings for the onslaught that is to come.In this we mean…and please know it is difficult as always to put this into words…that the'outburst/outbreak'of news…when it comes…will hit most of you like a ton of bricks.


所以,也許我們可以建議利用這段“安靜的”時間……這段“暴風雨來臨前的平靜”……讓你們的生命為即將到來的猛攻做好準備。我們的意思是……請知道,像往常一樣,很難用語言來表達……當“爆發 / 爆發”的消息來臨時……會像一噸重的磚頭一樣,砸向你們大多數人。KEN:我在一個多月前就收到冥想訊息,即將要開始大戲了,我就一直在我的IG上提暴風雨前的寧靜,結果今天最新的傳訊就也和我提一樣的話! 準備好~各位!


You may take a little time to come around…yet,because of this preparation,you are in NOW…you will be more than ready to deal with it and do what you have to do.






There will be a time…and we are not talking years and years away,we are talking.(4)


總有一天 ...... 我們不是在談論年復一年,而是在當下談論KEN:在高維度的視角,他們沒有時間,它們都可以看到未來和過去,所以它們都處於當下,就是他們已經看到發生的時候,那時候的所有情節,所以要學習他們和我們人類時間觀不同,它們永遠都只有當下,五維也是! 他們邊看者發生的事,邊在當下和我們傳訊!


Q:Please don't say'soon'


問:請不要說 " 很快 "


FOL:We understand…we are expressing of'in a short while'…when'an Occurrence'takes place that will shock the world.And we are not speaking of the Event at this point.


光之聯邦: 我們理解 ...... 我們正在表達 ' 在短時間內 '...... 當 ' 一個事件 ' 發生時,將震驚世界。在這一點上,我們不是在談論這個事件。


There shall be an announcement made that sends everyone into a spin.It will not be able to be kept out of your mainstream media for it will be in accordance with the Divine Plan and it will not be able to be swept under the carpet.




It will also put your media into a new position…for many that'present news'will have their thoughts turned upside down and feel they have to follow the Truth.


它也將把你們的媒體放到一個新的位置 ...... 對於許多 " 當前新聞 " 的人來說,他們的思想將被顛倒過來,並且感到他們必須跟隨真相。


The days are numbered,Blossom.…


時日無多了,布魯森 ..... 。








神聖的計劃不能也不會失敗 KEN: 就是KEN在講的各種黑暗面將會突然在某一天,在主流媒體上被曝光,被階露,那時的黑暗面不只如此,他們還有聯合宗教販賣人口,及做各種人類祭弒,或是性侵小孩奴役等等你無法想像的黑暗面,很多KEN不想寫,因為太黑暗,偷偷告訴你,為何毒品怎麼樣都不可能消失,你知道嗎? 那是因為全世界的政府都有默認並參預其中!




FOL:Such turmoil,havoc and confusion.Such media hype taking you this way and that.Such obvious misunderstanding from so many and you feel there is no way for you to get through to them.


光之聯邦: 這樣的混亂,浩劫和混亂。這樣的媒體炒作讓你左右為難。這麼多人明顯的誤解,你覺得沒有辦法讓他們理解你。


ALL OF THIS we have spoken to you about.All these things we have said will be'in your face'and much discernment will be needed.




Yet,now do you see?Not only discernment about what you hear and read and watch,yet,discernment in these times,as to what you feel reasonable to say to those who do not understand what is going on.


然而,現在你明白了嗎?不僅要洞察你所聽到的、所讀到的和所看到的,還要洞察這些時期,你覺得對那些不理解正在發生的事情的人,說些什麼是合理的。 KEN:很多現在媒體上所報導雖然是很混亂的事件 而且五花八門,每天都一直"有很趣"的新聞出現,但很多是陰謀集團故意控制發生那樣的事,然後報導成讓人猜不透的,目的就是要混淆人類的視線,不讓你發現其背後的真相,然後讓你每天盲目的去看新聞,不會想要發現背後即將發生的嚴重問題,最嚴重的就是經濟金融那部份,然後你就會呆呆地聽取主流媒體的誤導,讓你開始又踏入三維低振動的行為反應中,無法覺醒找到靈性的世界引導,這段話就是這樣!


FOL:We have told you that your world will become Topsy Turvy,yet far more so than now.


光之聯邦: 我們已經告訴過你,你的世界將會變得亂七八糟,會比現在嚴重得多 .KEN:我也是這樣講喔!


In order for change to take place…many things must come to a halt as opposed to a'ticking over.'




Much disruption must be endured by everyone on many,many levels,due to the need and necessary adjustments to take their place in this Game.




Yes.It will get much more serious.Yet,the'illness'will subside,yet,not be forgotten in the'Once upon a time'story.




KEN:這段是說,現在的肺炎和瘟疫只是開始,畢竟是在文明末期的清理剛開始而已,所以我們必須要接受,接下來還會有疾病的大流行和死亡的人數(還有其他) ,必須要淘汰掉沒有愛或是比較服務自我的人類,才能建構全新的人類新文明[黃金時代],以後這段文明,將都會在未來被提起當教材,曾經遠古的舊人類多麼的笨,都那麼自私現實為自已,多麼不愛地球,多麼追尋金錢甚至不惜分離其他人,甚至到為了錢財殺人害命,或是謊言欺騙的那個舊文明資本主義故事。但是當新文明到來,將不在會有疾病,大家會更加因為曾經的腐敗文明,而在裡面學到愛的意義,和無私服務他人,並願意學習合一團結的正面智慧,畢竟誰都不想體驗這樣多痛苦,和無助及悲傷的舊文明了! KEN也想趕快來到那個新文明,因為我也不想看到地球的其它自已家人受苦,所以我才一直寫文章給你,給每個人,希望可以喚醒更多人,讓你覺醒! 覺醒吧! 我的地球家人!




Q:What are to be some of the positive outcomes from the pandemic?





Jesus through John:The pandemic has led people to question more freely and deeply the motivation of those in authority,and has given them the time and the opportunity in which to do so.Much of a nefarious nature is being revealed daily as investigative journalists, who are not directly employed by any of the main media organizations,academics,and whistle-blowers make their inquiries and then make the resultant findings available to all on the world wide web.


耶穌通過約翰: 流行病導致人們更加自由和深入地質疑當權者的動機,並給他們時間和機會這樣做。許多邪惡的本質每天都被揭露出來,作為調查記者,他們不直接受僱於任何主要的媒體組織,學者,和告密者進行他們的調查,然後把結果公佈在全球資訊網上。KEN:現在每天曝光的真相,目前不會在主流新聞媒體上,會在網路的平台上,最多的將會是在YOUTOBE上,個人製作的影片,所以KEN才會有時去那裡傳遞文章的連結,因為太過於使用電視的族群,還無法面對到這一些靈性的資訊能量振動! 因為他們還沒跟進網路資訊的新時代中!


I have shifted the energy and the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic so that all of you would stop and remember that you are Angels-in-form,experiencing and expressing love.(9)ㄒㄧ





Seraphin through Rosie:We would ask you to treasure this period of stillness(Those of you who are not involved in emergency situations),for Divine Timing has provided it for your present growth before the bell rings.


大天使塞拉芬通過羅西: 我們請求你們珍惜這段靜止的時間 ( 你們中那些沒有參與緊急情況的人 ) ,因為神聖的時機在鈴響之前,為你們現在的成長提供了它。KEN:這段期間的安靜和好似這個世界快要恢復了,其實是想給人類在被接下來要啟動的大事件前,給點空間和時間,看看可不可以讓更多人有時間去學習,或是去發掘更多內心的連接,總之,愛總是這樣充滿者體諒和相信,所以! 時間真的不多了! 這兩個月就要啟動曝光真相了,然後全球經濟即將全數崩盤瓦解!


The bell will ring at the end of the lesson.Then it will be time for a break while the"teachers"discuss which subject you will be taking next.


課程結束時鈴聲會響起。然後是休息的時間, " 老師 " 們會討論你接下來要學的科目。


Do not underestimate this very important period;the process is taking place on a global scale,and is unprecedented,as is the evil which preceded it,and the bounteous abundance which will follow.We wish you strength through this final stage.





















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