


I posted: Lightworkers are here as representatives from the galaxy, not victims of earth’s ignorance.




This is Archangel Michael with a message for the lightworkers, those of you who have descended to earth in this now are the Bearers of Truth, not victims of your circumstances.




Soul connection is required for you to switch over to this new enlightened way of being. Without soul connection you remain what you have learned, a role or roles you are playing. Authenticity is what you seek in yourself – your own truth, your own inner Light.


靈魂連接被需要來讓你轉換到這個新的開明的存在方式。沒有靈魂連接,你處於你所學到的東西之中,一個你在扮演的角色。真實性是你在自身之中尋找的東西 --- 你自己的真理,你自己的內在之光


This is a journey of courage. The courage to change everything you have learned, everything you thought you knew, everything you believed you were, to stand on new ground, the new ground of truth, the new reality that is coming to your planet now .




We stand behind you as you take steps to change. Change is difficult for those who have been indoctrinated into lies but they are nonetheless important. The energies of renewal support your journey, pushing you on while your soul pulls you towards them. You are the leaders of humanity now, not your presidents, not your social figures – it is you that hold this responsibility to your people – it is you that have chosen to do this so long ago.


我們站在你的身後,隨著你採取改變的步驟。改變對那些被灌輸 了謊言的人來說是困難的,但他們依舊是重要的。更新的能量支持你的旅程,推動你向前,當你的靈魂將你拉向他們。你現在是人類的領袖,不是你們的總統,不是你們的社會人物 --- 是你要為人民負責 --- 你在很久前就選擇這麼做


You have studied, you have prepared and you have incarnated on earth during other lifetimes in order to help to change the course of humanity during those eras. You got a feel for how lower dimensional bodies and minds think and feel, you got practise at feeling the lower energies and acclimating to them. Then you left. You went back to the higher realms, other worlds and other dimensions, where you worked and studied more to prepare for your ultimate challenge – life on earth at a time of near death of a species.


你學習,你準備,你在其它生世中化身於地球,以便在那些時代幫助改變人類的進程。你可以感受較低維度的身體和頭腦是如何思考和感受的,你可以去感受較低的能量並適應它們。然後你離開。你返回更高的領域,其它的世界,其它的維度 --- 你更多地工作和學習來為終極的挑戰做好準備(地球上的生命接近滅絕的時刻)




Yes, your people are demoted to double stranded DNA beings. This is near death for a human as the human body can enact 12 strands of DNA with no difficulty, in fact, blissful joy. You prepared to come here, you prepared to understand what you were to fight, you prepared to be here at this crucial time in the history of the galaxy.


是的,你們被降級到雙鏈 DNA 存在。這對人類來說是近乎毀滅的,因為人類身體可以輕鬆運行 12 股 DNA ,事實上,快樂地。你準備好來到這裡,你準備好來了解你要與什麼戰鬥,你準備好在銀河歷史中的這個關鍵時刻來到這裡


You came to be truth holders. You came to fight the dark. You are powerful beings, moreso than you ever would understand coming from your low frequency perspective, but you are. You are the darlings of the universe right now as you have taken on the fight that so few wanted to. You knew it was important for this planet and for all of humanity – because we are all One. Humans are one family, one body in a larger body called God. When part of the body is destroyed, then the rest suffers.


你來到這裡成為真理保持者。你前來與黑暗戰鬥。你是強大的存在,比你較低頻率的視角所能理解的要更強大。你是宇宙的寶貝,隨著你拾起很少人會拾起的戰鬥。你知道這對地球和所有人類來說很重要 --- 因為我們是一體的。人類是一家人,在稱為神的更大身體中是同一個身體。當身體的一部分被摧毀,剩下的部分會受苦


It is decreed that you rise from the slumber that others live under. It is decreed.




Change your minds. Question everything you encounter and ask, “Is this loving?” You've been given the wrong impression of what love is by your fearful minds, but love is pure, love is forgiving, love does not attack, love is happiness and acceptance of all.




Your minds have been dominated by evil for so long you don't remember love. So you don't remember yourselves. These next few years will be a huge awakening for all of you as you soldier forth into the Light. It is coming. The epiphany is coming. The cleansing of all to a more pure form. When you all remember yourselves again.







We support you in your work to remember yourselves and to change your minds to higher Light. We are all One. We work together as a strong unit against evil, against the dark.




You are our leaders. We sent earth our best.




KEN: KEN有提過 因為地球被負面的能量種族所帶領錯誤的服務他人的方式,造成了地球母親累積過多沉重的負面振動,原本這顆行星要在2012年因核戰滅亡,但早在幾十年前,造物主從不同維度和天堂裡派了無限宇宙中精選了最強大擁有愛的能量振動靈魂,降生到地球上,因為這群天使和天神和高維度存有,原本就沒有製造因果業力法則中的負面振動,但每個降生來到這的靈魂都平均的住在地球水晶能量網格中的每個重要節點網格,從誕生出來就一直無條件的去承擔體驗著痛苦和悲痛的各種負面能量,原本可能地球要毀滅是因為有10000%的負面振動,但每個人平均分擔1~5%的能量,這群靈魂無條件的降生到這最低三維的地球,就只是他們遵從宇宙造物主愛著一切的宇宙法則,所以轉世來到地球,順便一提,很多在天堂裡的天神天使,是一直在純粹裡的光,沒有轉生投身到肉體過,所以閱讀到這篇文章的你就可以知道,愛是真的存在的,也許.....你就是其中之一的光之工作著呢! 畢竟 這次轉世來的快要有六千多萬個靈魂喔!  就讓我們用愛,帶領地球母親成為更高振動的一顆美麗的行星,好嗎?



通靈:Sharon Stewart

翻譯:Nick Chan
















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